Saturday, January 29, 2011

Happy New Year 2011

Here's to the New Year..

Year of the rabbit

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Baked Alaska

The first time I tried this dessert was in Port Dickson, with friends at a restaurant at the Royal Yacht Club. In their menu it was called Bomb Alaska if I am not mistaken. I fell in love with it and just couldn't wait to try it again. Some time later when I was in Adelaide, my friend found a recipe online to make it. This recipe referred to the dessert as Baked Alaska and it was by Michael Smith of Chef at Home. You can find the original recipe here:

We (mostly) followed the recipe and here's how it turned out...

First buy a sponge cake and place in a round baking pan thingy...

Next have your ice cream ready along with your choice of liquor.

Pour 3 tablespoons of liquor ontu the spongecake to soak the cake.

then add the ice cream on top of the cake.
Next you will need eggs, sugar, vanilla essence, cream of tartar.

Break the eggs and place in a bowl. You only want the egg white so separate the yolk form the white. Save one egg shell for later use.

Pour sugar into a bowl with the egg white, cream of tartar and vanilla essence.

Beat to form stiff peaks of meringue.

Cover cake and ice cream with the meringue.

Place the egg shell on the top.

Bake for a while. And then pour alcohol into the egg shell and light it! (most fun part)

Eat :D
(Please note that most of the work was done by my friend, I was merely the photographer...heheh)